Blog 8: Merkato as Lead Generator: A Quote in Exchange for Customer Data

Contacting warm leads: that’s what every company wants! Locking in leads, or attracting potential customers, is a headache for many businesses. Cold calling is often not so efficient. What does bear fruit are warm leads: potential customers who leave their details via the well-known quid-pro-quo form on your website. And that’s where Merkato can shine. All you need is something of value to offer in exchange for their contact information.

Merkato as Lead Generator

At CPQ Belgium, we excel at creating sleek quotes, intelligent datasheets, reactive price lists, and flashy 3D visuals of configured products. These are valuable returns you can offer in exchange for contact details. However, many businesses find it challenging to offer such value as it often reveals sensitive information: a slice of the quote and thus insights into your pricing.

Various Purposes

Many businesses fear this approach as it potentially allows competitors to gain insights into their pricing and methods. However, it offers customers transparency and openness, which weighs in their final decision. An alternative could be offering a brochure, possibly including a 3D model.

One of our clients offers quotes for skylights without intermediary salespeople, using complex calculations. This client isn’t afraid of competitors peeping and thus successfully uses Merkato as a lead magnet on their website.

Another client takes a different approach and uses the form for barter. This client allows their customers to create a configuration themselves and receive a specification sheet and a 3D model. If the product is ordered, this 3D model is already incorporated into the engineer’s design. This extra work and time cost make the engineer choose your company—a brilliant example of efficient barter.

Do-It-Yourself Services

Another application of the configurator on your website is offering ‘do-it-yourself services’. This is particularly suitable for businesses offering relatively simple (or easily automated) services, such as drafting wills or rental agreements. Automating your service and offering it through your website can save costs while still generating revenue.

Automation and self-service is the Future

It’s straightforward to place a small piece of Merkato on your website, making it serve as a lead magnet. Our software can be integrated as a plug-in on your website without needing a web developer.

We believe that more processes will be automated, reducing sales efforts. The first step might be daunting for some businesses, but the benefits outweigh these feelings.