Blog 7: Links, integrations, and other exciting connections

In the first part of this two-part series on connecting CPQ software with other systems, we explored the connection between CRM and ERP systems. In this second part, we dive into the connections that offer additional opportunities to further optimize your processes.


First, a technical pause. As mentioned in the previous blog, our configurator can communicate with virtually all modern CRM and ERP systems. For some systems lacking an API or web protocol, the connection can still be achieved through an intermediate database or a software development kit (SDK).

We also continue to see various integration platforms come in and out of fashion. Concepts such as SOAP and ESB (enterprise service bus) involve protocols or third-party software facilitating communication between two or more systems within an organization. As these systems act as intermediaries, we call this middleware. This can sometimes simplify technical communication.

To dispel often unfounded concerns about connections, we usually offer simple guarantees. This clarifies things and allows us to move forward.

CAD Connection

Connecting with CRM and/or ERP systems is almost standard in all our projects. But we also often connect with CAD systems.

It is often necessary to create new drawings for customer-specific parts. You could naturally draft a work instruction for your engineer, but it is often much more interesting (and obviously faster, more efficient, and less prone to errors) to control a parametric CAD model with parameters from the configurator.

This often raises questions, while it is actually very simple, as long as you have a clever engineer capable of creating parametric models in the CAD system. For the configurator, calculating dozens or hundreds of additional values is not a problem. All CAD systems have (often already in the free base version) the ability to read parameter files. If not, a daemon script that makes this possible can be quickly created.

It’s also good to know that the management and a large part of our team have roots in CAD software. So, if you run into any obstacles, we can undoubtedly help you further.

CAM Connection

Talking about connecting systems also means considering connections with CAM systems (computer-aided manufacturing). In other words: directly controlling CNC machines. We often find that companies are still somewhat hesitant about this. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to no longer have to create drawings but directly control your saw, water jet, welding robot, or laser?

Digital signing

Digital signing is not yet very common, but it nevertheless represents a further step in the digitalization of your sales process. Merkato connects to multiple digital signature tools, and the integration allows for automatically adapting the status of a configuration (or sales deal) once it has been signed by the appropriate person(s).


Payment systems, delivery systems, spare parts provisioning, returns, shopping cart, cross-selling… These are all e-commerce functions for which we prefer to seek collaborations with the best parties in the market, rather than trying to do everything ourselves. Within these collaborations, we have, of course, built superb connections. This way, you benefit from the best of both worlds!